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Document Name:
Human Development(0)
Alabama Sale and Leasing of Sand Boundary(2)
Alabama Authorization for Leasing of Certain State Lands for Oil and Gas Exploration(3)
Alabama State Port Authority Jurisdiction(4)
U.S. Coast Guard Districts(5)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Districts(6)
Minerals Management Service New Orleans District (7)
3 Mile Limit of Zone Revenues that are Shared with the Coastal State(s)(8)
Cultural Resources(9)
Archaeology Survey Blocks(10)
Minerals Management Service Field Unit Polygons(12)
Federal Lease Blocks(13)
Active Federal Lease Blocks(14)
Alabama Lease Blocks(15)
Minerals Management Service Platforms(16)
State of Alabama Platforms(17)
Minerals Mangement Service Pipelines(18)
Minerals Management Service Protraction Polygons(19)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Proposed Cables and Pipelines, 2008(20)
Electrical Transmission Lines(21)
Transmission pipelines, Baldwin and Mobile Counties(22)
Shipping Fairways(24)
Major Highways(25)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Electronic Navigational Charts Buoys(26)
Lateral Buoy (27)
Special Purpose/General Buoy (28)
Safe Water Buoy(29)
Fish Havens(32)
Mississippi, Alabama and Florida Seagrasses(33)
Oyster Reefs, 1968(34)
Oyster Reefs, 1995(35)
Oyster Reefs, 2001(36)
Offshore Alabama Artificial Reef(37)
Olsen Associates Borrow Sites(40)
Potential Borrow Sites (Byrnes and others, 1999)(41)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sand Island Beneficial Use Area(42)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Disposal Areas(43)
Artificial Reef Permit Areas(44)
Minerals Management Service Live Bottom Stipulation Blocks (45)
Sand Source Areas(46)
Alternative Sand Delineations(47)
Automated Wreck and Obstruction Information System(49)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Dangers to Navigation(50)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris(51)
Military Warning Areas(52)
Geological & Geophysical(53)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Sediment Sampling Locations(55)
Byrnes and others (1999)(56)
Byrnes Survey 1(57)
Byrnes Survey 2(58)
Smithsonian Institute(59)
Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Core(60)
Deck 41 Seafloor Surficial Sediment Description Database Locations(61)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vibracore Locations(62)
The Geological Survey of Alabama/ U.S. Geological Survey Sample Locations(63)
The Geological Survey of Alabama/ Minerals Management Service Sample Locations(64)
Exxon Foundation Borings(65)
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory(66)
Naval Oceanographic Office Cores (2001)(67)
Olsen Associates(68)
Olsen Vibracores (1999)(69)
Olsen Vibracores (2002)(70)
Olsen Vibracores (2006)(71)
Louisiana State University(72)
McBride Vibracore Locations (1997)(73)
The Universtiy of South Florida, St. Petersburg(80)
GSA Beach Sediment Samples, 2005(81)
Interpreted Geology(82)
Beach Profiles(83)
Geological Survey of Alabama(84)
Beach Profiles (1988-2000)(85)
Beach Profiles (2001-2008)(86)
Beach Profiles (2009)(87)
The University of South Alabama(88)
Olsen Associates(89)
Bottom Sediments(90)
Geological Survey of Alabama Sand Isopach Delineations(91)
Sand Isopach Contours(92)
Sand Isopach Polygons(93)
Georeferenced Illustrations(94)
Incised Valley (Greene)(95)
Holocene Sediments Exluding Marsh in East Alabama Shelf(96)
Northern Gulf Littoral Initiative Sediment Map(97)
Pre-Existing Surface Sediment Texture Map East Alabama(98)
Sand Sheet plus DeltaFront Lithofacies and Paleochannels in East Alabama(99)
Shelly Sand Lithofacies off Dauphin Island 0.1 m(100)
Shelly Sand Lithofacies off Dauphin Island 2.1 m(101)
Surface Sand Sheet Lithofacies in East Alabama(102)
Surface Lithofacies Distribution in East Alabama(103)
Geological Survey of Alabama Cross Sections(104)
1993 Cross Sections(105)
1995 Cross Sections(106)
1996 Cross Sections(107)
1999 Cross Sections(108)
Geology (Mobile and Baldwin Counties)(109)
West Alabama Distribution of Facies(110)
Sediment Distribution(111)
Sediment Mobile Bay(112)
Sediment Types(113)
Sedimentary Facies(114)
Surface Sediment Lithology(115)
Surface Lithofacies(116)
Olsen Sand Isopach Delineations (1999)(117)
Olsen Sand Isopach Extent (1999)(118)
Louisiana State University (1997)(119)
Long-Term (1978 - 2007) Shoreline Change Transects(120)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(122)
Lease Sales of AL6769 Seismic Lines (1988)(123)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Track Lines(124)
The University of New Orleans(125)
R/V Acadian 1987 Shot Points - Boomer(126)
R/V Acadian 1987 Seismic Line - Boomer(127)
US Geological Survey(128)
R/V Gyre 1981 Cruise(129)
81GY6 Start Point(130)
81GY6 Segment Point(131)
81GY6 Shot Location - Minisparker(132)
USGS 81GY6 Tracklines - Minisparker (133)
R/V Carancahua 1981 Cruise(134)
81CA1 Start Point(135)
81CA1 Segment Point(136)
81CA1 Shot Location - Boomer(137)
USGS 81CA1 Tracklines - Boomer(138)
R/V Kit Jones 1990 Cruise(139)
90KI1 Start Point(140)
90KI1 Segment Point(141)
90KI1 Shot Location - Boomer(142)
USGS 90KI1 Tracklines - Boomer(143)
R/V Kit Jones 1991 Cruise(144)
91KI2 Start Point(145)
91KI2 Segment Point(146)
91KI2 Shot Location - Boomer(147)
USGS 91KI2 Tracklines - Boomer(148)
The University of South Florida, St. Petersburg(149)
Locker (1988) Shot Location - Boomer(150)
Locker Tracklines (1988) - Boomer(151)
Olsen Associates(152)
R/V Atlantic Twin (1999) - Chirp 2-10KHz(153)
R/V Atlantic Twin (2006) - Ping 3.5KHz(154)
R/V Atlantic Twin Perdido Key (2006)- Ping 3.5KHz(155)
The University of Alabama at Birmingham(156)
R/V Flying Tiger (1980) Shot Points(157)
R/V Flying Tiger (1980) Minisparker - 7 kHz(158)
Study Areas(160)
Bathymetric Contours (1 meter)(162)
Alabama Counties(164)
Federal / State Boundary(165)
Census Designated Places (2000)(166)
Gulf of Mexico States(167)
Gulf of Mexico Shoreline(168)
State Plane Zones (NAD 83)(170)
Latitude & Longitude, 0.5 Degree Grid(171)
Public Land Survey System(172)
Geodetic Control Points(173)
Bathymetry (higher resolution)(175)
Bathymetry (lower resolution)(176)
GSA Data Extent(177)
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