Display Name: Extract Data Task
Description: Extracts the selected layers in the specified area of interest to the selected formats and spatial reference, and returns the data in a .zip file.
Help URL: https://map.ogb.state.al.us:6443/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/CAGDV/InfrastructureExtractDataTask_GPServer/CAGDV_InfrastructureExtractDataTask/ExtractDataTask.htm
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Parameter: Layers_to_Clip
Data Type: GPMultiValue:GPString
Display Name Layers to Clip
Description: The layers to be clipped. Layers must be feature or raster; layer files are not supported.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: [
InfrastructureExtractDataTask\Communication\Alabama\FM radio stations
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Communication, Communication\Alabama, Communication\Alabama\Antenna structure registered locations, Communication\Alabama\Cellular tower locations, Communication\Alabama\AM radio stations, Communication\Alabama\FM radio stations, Communication\Alabama\Commercial land mobile locations, Communication\Alabama\Private land mobile locations, Communication\Alabama\Broadcast land mobile locations, Communication\Alabama\Federal weather radar stations, Communication\Alabama\Submarine cables, Communication\Alabama\Digital TV service locations, Communication\Alabama\Analog TV service locations, Communication\Alabama\Broadband radio and educational service locations, Communication\Alabama\High frequency radar towers, Energy, Energy\Alabama, Energy\Alabama\Onshore pipelines, Energy\Alabama\Offshore pipelines, Energy\Alabama\Coastal energy facilities, Extract Data Task Area of Interest (Polygons), Navigation, Navigation\Alabama, Navigation\Alabama\Gulf of Mexico Marine Debris Project debris locations, Navigation\Alabama\Gulf of Mexico Marine Debris Project survey areas, Navigation\Alabama\Baldwin and Mobile river mile markers, Navigation\Alabama\Waterway network, inland and offshore, Navigation\Alabama\Dredging Locations, Navigation\Alabama\Anchorage areas, Navigation\Alabama\Disposal areas, Navigation\Alabama\USACE active placement areas, Navigation\Alabama\Shipping lanes and fairways, Navigation\Alabama\Coastal maintained channels, Navigation\Alabama\Vessel density (2013), Navigation\Alabama\Collision regulation demarcation lines, Navigation\Alabama\Navigational buoys, Navigation\Alabama\Weather buoys, Navigation\Florida, Navigation\Florida\Anchorages, Navigation\Florida\Restricted areas, Navigation\Mississippi, Navigation\Mississippi\Mississippi channels, Navigation\Mississippi\Mississippi docks, Port development, Port development\Alabama, Port development\Alabama\Port and waterway facilities, Port development\Alabama\Principal ports, Transportation, Transportation\Alabama, Transportation\Alabama\Railroads, Transportation\Alabama\Railroad Crossing, Business resources, Business resources\Alabama, Business resources\Alabama\Airports, Business resources\Alabama\Stations/terminals, Business resources\Alabama\Coastal industries (2013), Business resources\Alabama\Mobile County industrial parks, Business resources\Alabama\Beach restoration, Business resources\Alabama\Alabama Working Waterfront Coalition interest - primary, Business resources\Alabama\Alabama Working Waterfront Coalition interest - secondary ]
Parameter Infos:
Name: String
Data Type: GPString
Display Name: String
Parameter: Area_of_Interest
Data Type: GPFeatureRecordSetLayer
Display Name Area of Interest
Description: One or more polygons by which the layers will be clipped.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Filter: Dependency:
Default Value:
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
HasZ: true
HasM: false
Spatial Reference: 102100
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Text, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: IntegerValue
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: DoubleValue
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: DateTime, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area
Features: None.
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Parameter: Feature_Format
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Feature Format
Description: Specifies the format of the output features. The format should be specified as follows:Name or format - Short Name - extension (if any)The hyphens are required and there must be one space before and after the hyphen.For example:File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdbShapefile - SHP - .shpAutodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2007 - .dxfAutodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2007 - .dwgBentley Microstation Design (V8) - DGN_V8 - .dgnThe list of short names supported includes DGN_V8, DWG_R14, DWG_R2000, DWG_R2004, DWG_R2005, DWG_R2007, DWG_R2010, DXF_R14, DXF_R2000, DXF_R2004, DXF_R2005, DXF_R2007, and DXF_R2010.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Shapefile - SHP - .shp
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb, Shapefile - SHP - .shp, Bentley Microstation Design (V8) - DGN_V8 - .dgn, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R14 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2000 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2004 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2005 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2007 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2010 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DXF_R2013 - .dxf, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R14 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2000 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2004 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2005 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2007 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2010 - .dwg, Autodesk AutoCAD - DWG_R2013 - .dwg ]
Parameter: Raster_Format
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Raster Format
Description: Specifies the format of the output raster datasets. The format should be specified as follows:Name of format - Short Name - extension (if any)The hyphens are required and there must be one space before and after the hyphen.For example:Esri GRID - GRIDFile Geodatabase - GDB - .gdbERDAS IMAGINE - IMG - .imgTagged Image File Format - TIFF - .tifPortable Network Graphics - PNG - .pngGraphic Interchange Format - GIF - .gifJoint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jpgJoint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jp2Bitmap - BMP - .bmpSome of the above raster formats have limitations and not all data can be converted to the format.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Tagged Image File Format - TIFF - .tif
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ ESRI GRID - GRID, File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb, ERDAS IMAGINE - IMG - .img, Tagged Image File Format - TIFF - .tif, Graphic Interchange Format - GIF - .gif, Joint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jpg, Joint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG 2000 - .jp2, Bitmap - BMP - .bmp, Portable Network Graphics - PNG - .png ]
Parameter: Output_Zip_File
Data Type: GPDataFile
Display Name Output Zip File
Description: The zip file that will contain the extracted data.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Supported Operations:
Submit Job
Child Resources: